Okay, So I don't really believe in karma by definition, but that ole' Murphy definitely tends to be "all up in mine" at the beginning of the school year. Let's call it adversity--I'm clear that it's one of those battles with the unseen. First, let me say that I LOVE my school, my kids, and my colleagues, so that helps in all of these minor hindrances. On top of that, I'm pretty laid back and can flex with just about anything, so this post is not to complain. But when you picture in your mind things going a certain way, more often than not you'd just like to see that vision manifest.
Murphy's law 1-A:0439--So, imagine my excitement when I found out last month that I was getting a SMART board--yippee! I was already trying to figure out when I could write a grant to get one, so this was a glorious gift. I started planning a couple of new lessons I could try on it. But then I get to school last week (I graciously decided to help "bridge" the rising freshlings so they'd have a better year), and find out that the county ordered the wrong ones, and had to reorder different ones (even though 2 of my colleagues had theirs installed). To me, this translates into-- County + Revamping a plan surrounding purchasing, delivering, and installing technology = Don't know when I'll have the goods (but it won't be before school starts on 8/11.) Last year it was the messed up trailer w/ no computer, and now this.
Murphy's law 1-A:0440--I had been trying to check my roll, to plan yes, but also to see how many of my "angels" from last year I would be having again. It didn't appear to be uploaded until today--let's just say that 4 on the list made my day take an interesting turn, but I'll deal with that. What really jolted the nerves was the fact that I still only have 26 desks, yet one of my classes had 33 on the roll--What? Fortunately (and gratefully, after the trailer) I have a big room, but it would be great to have just a few more desks too.
So, I wasn't expecting first-day jitters a week early, but for some reason those things did it. I pray that I'll still be excited about going back come Friday... (I will, I just had to get that out--exhale.) Oh, and by the way--soooooooo glad I was a good kid in school.

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